Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What style of debate will we be using?

The UNA-USA rules of procedure will be used. Please note that UNA-USA procedure differs slightly depending on the conference, so please review the UNA-USA procedure document that we have provided.

How will the three different time zones work?

The ISMUN conference runs on three time zones. Essentially, the same conference will occur at three different times from May 28-30 due to the differences in times across the globe. Please visit the conference schedule page for more information.

Are delegates required to write position papers?

No, delegates do not need to write and submit position papers. However, delegates are required to thoroughly research both topics for their assigned committee and come prepared to debate with other delegates. For more information about your topics, please refer to the topic guides.

Will there be awards?

Yes, we will be offering awards! In each committee, there will be one best delegate award and two honorable mention awards. Due to the online nature of the conference, it would be difficult to send physical plaques and medals to the award recipients, but we do plan to send out printable PDFs to the recipients.

Additionally, all participants will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the conference.

Is there a conference fee?

No! One of our goals for the ISMUN conference is to make it accessible as possible, and requiring a fee would not make it accessible for everyone. Thus, we have made ISMUN is a completely free conference, so there is no registration fee!

How will the delegates interact during the conference?

We will be using a combination of Discord and Zoom to allow all of the deligates to communicate with each other. Committee sessions will occur through Zoom, but delegate communication before and during the conference will occur through Discord.

Do delegates need to prepare for both topics?

Yes! Delegates will be discussing both topics during the conference. At the beginning of the first committee session, delegates will be given the opportunity to set the agenda and chose what topic they wish to discuss first.